Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Todd Pitman, AP hack writer

In Saturday's P-I, is an article by Todd Pitman of the AP, entitled "Sen. Clinton says Iraq insurgents failing". The beginning of the article quotes Madame Hillary actually saying some things I happen to agree with (As Gomer Pyle was fond of saying, "Surprise, surprise, surprise!"), which is basically that the terrorists [my word - insurgents being the PC word constantly used by the media] are getting more and more desperate as they sense their agenda is slipping away through their fingers, and up to that point the article was fine.

But then Mr. Pitman brings up the tired, old 'when are the troops coming home?' angle, putting these two paragraphs into the story that has absolutely no bearing on the comments made by Madame Hillary:

But Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, said he did not believe the U.S. military would leave Iraq anytime soon.

"How long I don't know, but to leave too soon would be devastating to stay too long is unnecessary," Graham said. "I ask the American people to be patient, because what happens here will affect our security back home."

Mr. Pitman, what do those two paragraphs, along with the rest of the filler after those paragraphs, have to do with the beginning of the article? Absolutely nothing. Was that your doing, or was that something an editor had inserted? Time after time after time, AP reporters show their true colors, hashing and rehashing Democrat talking points, and taking the position that we're too stupid to realize that.

Let me make something clear - we will bring our troops home when the Iraqi's feel we are no longer needed in their country. Not when a Democrat (think Kennedy or Kerry) says we should, and certainly not when some hack reporter thinks it's time.

Mr. Pitman, I suggest you stick to reporting facts, and don't clutter up what you write with clap trap you aren't qualified to speak to.

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