Wednesday, February 23, 2005

MSM opinion/news Note: This was originally posted by Dither.

It has been a few days now and not too many other conservative commentators have been tarred with the "paid for political opinion". I do think that those who speak and get paid to speak should indicate the general source of their funding. I could wish that my brother and I were being paid for these missives, but we are not. Now, the question arises in my mind, why isn't anyone pointing the finger of derision towards those whose opinion is constantly being paid for, the "news reporters"? No one seems to think anything about the msm printing opinions as if they were news. Once upon a time, the press was filled with journalists whose thrust was for presenting the happenings without trying to editorialize it to mean what they wanted the news to be. These people were trained in the method of "who, what, where, why and how" of presenting facts about things. Now, the "journalism" classes are filled with people who seem to think nothing should be reported without some sort of comment about the "right or wrong" of the situation. If you can stomach reading the entire stories in the msm or listen to the rantings of the various "news" reporters, such as Dan Blather er Rather, you will almost invariably get some sort of comment about how this or that story underscores some scandal or other and just reinforces the notion that as long as there is a conservative in office, these types of things will continue, with a rueful shaking of the head... There is no bias in the msm, just ask them. They are, after all, the protectors of the freedom of the press, watchdogs on the politicos and ever vigilant about the encroachment of the truth.

Note: This was originally posted by Dither.

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