Tuesday, February 22, 2005

In case you're wondering

Just in case you've stumbled across my new blog, I am in the process of transferring posts from my old blog, and adding HTML code to the template. Why, you ask?

Well, lemme tell ya. When I started my original blog, I didn't do any checking to see if the name was being used by anyone else - I know, it was dumb (and let that be a lesson to you!). There I was, with my older brother as a partner, blogging happily away in my skivvies (ask your Dad), when what do my wondering eyes see? A reference to these guys that had their own web site, with OUR BLOG'S NAME! Aw, crap ... what to do, what to do?

So I fired off an e-mail to The Boys (don't bother looking that up - I made it up to protect the innocent victims in this whole thing), asking what they wanted me to do, and then didn't hear back from them for a few days. I changed the banner description, putting in a disclaimer and their web site url, and an apology to those who came to our (old) blog looking for those other guys' web site (they don't have a blog that I know of), and I posted on the situation as well. Hey, I wanted to be honest with everybody, ok?

Meanwhile ... while I'm waiting for these guys to reply ... my brother and I are still posting ... and I go to Yahoo and Google, and Blogorama (a blog listing site) and list our blog, and sign up for Google's AdSense program, and this and that and the other ... wait, it gets better (or worse, depending on your point of view).

Still with me? Okay, where was I? Oh yeah ...

As I'm surfin' the web today, I decide to check my "Suspect E-mail" folder, and what do my wondering eyes see? Yep ... you guessed it ... The Boys had answered (and an ominous organ chord played in the background, too) ... and just what did they have to say?

Yep ... you guessed it ... The Boys asked - very nicely and politely, mind you - that we change the name of our blog ... eeeuuuuw, crap! Sooooo ... I've just spent the past several hours relisting this blog, and delisting our old blog, adding HTML code to this one and deleting it from the old one, and I've begun the laborious task of copying/pasting posts from our old blog here, which I hope to have completed sometime tomorrow ... I'm logging off soon, though, as I'm tired and hungry. Phew ...

Oh, one more thing. Am I mad at The Boys for making me have to go through all of this? Nah, since they had the name first, and what they've asked is only fair ... but I am a tad peeved at ME for not doing the needed research first. If I had only done that simple little bit of research first, I wouldn't be going through all of this mess now.

Oh, well - live and learn, I guess.

UPDATE: I'm finally done - whoo hoo! Whew!

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