Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Pet peeves

From time to time, I'm going to write about some of the pet peeves that I have. Everybody has pet peeves, right? Thought so - I can hear you nodding in agreement.

I usually work in the field of Facilities Maintenance (however, I'm currently between jobs at the moment) - you know, the guy that fixes stuff and changes burned out light bulbs? Well, a lot of times as I'm fixing something, my hands get all cruddy or covered with some type of goop, that I really don't want to get on me anywhere else - heck, I really don't want it on my hands either, but it goes with the territory.

Anyway, here's my pet peeve about that. It seems that every time - not occasionally, mind you, but every time - my hands are coated with some kind of thick, nasty, viscous goop, my nose starts to itch. Yep, and usually right on the end of my nose too, so that if I scratched said itch, said goop would be transferred to the end of my nose, indicating to everyone who saw me that I must be some kind of moron because I have this goop on my nose, and I don't have enough sense to get it off.

Man, I hate that.

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