Friday, July 21, 2006

What's in a name? Part 2

In a previous post, I commented that the Association of Trial Lawyers of America was 'concerned' about the perception people had of them, and that they were considering changing their name.

Well, as reported
here, they voted to change their name to - get ready - the American Association for Justice.

Folks, you're still trial lawyers, with all the 'baggage' that that implies. You still haven't addressed the rogues in your midst who are only out for as many bucks as they can stuff in their pockets, and simply changing the name of your association is not going to change the perception the vast majority of Americans have for you.

If you want peoples perception of you to really change, then get rid of the rogues. As the saying goes, "A rose is a rose.", no matter what you call it, and greedy trial lawyers are still greedy even if they can now claim to be a part of the American Association for Justice.

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