Sunday, July 02, 2006

Tehran 'to continue uranium enrichment'

As reported here, the lunatic running Iran "said yesterday Tehran will continue its uranium enrichment programme despite international calls to halt the sensitive project.", adding, ""The Iranian government and the people have decided, and without any doubt with dignity and glory we will pass this phase."" The "people"? Surely he's not referring to the everyday people of Iran, since they have virtually no say-so whatsoever in their governments activities. No, he must mean the rubber stampers in the Iranian Parliament, who are, after all, people.

Passing "this phase" with "dignity and glory"? To me, that can only mean one thing - that the Iranian government has absolutely no intention of stopping their enrichment program, and are determined to develop nuclear weapons, and that the "negotiations" regarding this are nothing but a smoke screen, intended to humiliate the West in the eyes of the Arab world.

Iran also rejected outright an extension of the deadline for a moratorium on continuing their enrichment program, with the lunatic stating that Iran will not respond until August 22nd at the earliest. Why the significance of that particular date? Why can't, or more accurately won't, they respond before then?

In my mind, the only possible answer to those two questions is that Iran is far more advanced in their enrichment program than anyone either realizes, or is willing to admit, and that Iran plans on making some sort of fait accompli announcement either on, or shortly after, that date.

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