Sunday, July 02, 2006

Iran rejects July deadline for deal on incentives

As reported here, Iran again is using delaying tactics in its quest to develop nuclear weapon capabilities, by rejecting a July 5th deadline to respond to an incentive package, saying that they "can't" respond sooner than mid-August.

It isn't that they "can't", it's that they don't want to, so they won't respond, and the reason that they won't respond, is that they know the "stick" that comes with the "carrot" isn't big enough, and that those who are wielding the "stick" aren't really willing to use the "stick". They are also relying on China and Russia to prevent the "stick" from being used, so Iran knows that they basically have no worries.

I think it's beyond time to raise the prospects of economic sanctions against both China and Russia to get them to get in line on this issue with Iran, if the rest of the countries are truly serious about solving this problem.

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