Thursday, July 27, 2006

State Supreme Court Upholds Gay Marriage Ban

As reported here, on Wednesday the Washington State Supreme Court, in a 5 - 4 ruling, upheld the ban on same-sex marriage, dealing a blow to 19 "couples", the Lambda Legal gay rights advocacy group, and the ACLU.

This decision is, quite frankly, a surprise - and a pleasant one at that - considering the usual liberal leaning of our supreme court, but it is a rational decision, regardless of what some people want to believe.

This decision also reverses lower court rulings that said our Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional, and throws the ball back into the legislatures court, which I'm sure will come up fairly quickly, as the Dems in our legislature will work to try to placate a vocal minority of their constituency. This may also (probably) get appealed to the US Supreme Court.

For now, DOMA has been upheld, and marriage is restricted to people of the opposite sex, which is as it should be.


Pall Stanley said...

If we were to gently and slowing observe the sitaution objectively without getting into the profound teachings of the Bible or religion, we will discover that too much liberty encourages legal challenges of the natural order of things.

People meaning the liberal minded, do not clearly understand the distinctions between fighting for civil rights as African Americans struggled to acquire in the decades past verses moral issues such as same sex marriage.

Purely the motivation behind legislative rulings are mostly dictated by the majority of the underlying constituents, politics. Once the general population finds same sex marriages to be acceptable overall, the legal statutes will change to reflect the culture of this nation.

Instant gratification will prove to be a victory to the majority eventually, however, the in the longterm, it will prove to be a horific sitaution morally in America. Moral decline will be the dictator of legislation ultimately.

What am I saying? Today, the battle clearly is in favor against the rulings, but the battle will be lost to the liberally minded. There are many placating ministers, pastors, priest, and other once influencial people in communities around our nation taking the softer side of the fence.

They see first to please the masses and remain in business, or prosperity. By the time, the first graders of this year, 2006, reach voting age, and eventually participate within our government leadership positions, we will in fact see a different world of politics where gay marriages will be amended and apart of our day to day lives.

Homosexuality has existed since the beginning of time, and was considered to be morally wrong. Even the participants of homosexuality clearly knew within themselves it was inappropiate but within there rights to apply there beliefs behind closed doors.

What kind of impact will this have on the family? Already many families in America, the Father is considered by some as a part-time occupation or extracurricula activity or optional. Many mothers believe a father is not necessary to build strong characteristics in children.

And some fathers that are present in the household of many children are not really present emotionally in the lives of there sons and daughters and many do not know HOW to be the fathers they need to be.

Supreme court rulings of the future? God help us all, the time will come one day, but for now, the battle continues. Let me add this, I love all people, including homosexuals, but that is not the issue here. According to the beliefs taught in the Bible, fornication in heterosexual relationships is just as much of a sin as homosexuality.

Sin is sin, in Gods eyes according to His teachings, there are no degrees of sin from a little to major, sin is sin, and God abhors it regardless. To attack gay marriages without also considering all of the other moral declines would be considered a hypocrasy according to the religion established by God for those that believe.

Liberty is utimately incarceration for many in this nation. Superficially, this nation is free, but internally slaves to there own deceit. What can we do?

Pall Stanley said...

Regarding the article about Gay marriages, I neglected to add this one point also, to consider rejecting gay marriages as legal according to the government is not enough morally.

How many spouses have been convicted from a criminal stand point of adultery? In heard of a Judge in some state years ago imprisoned a man for adultery, the maximum pentalty to law. What is my point?

If we are to consider heterosexual marriages to be sacred today and justify outright through prohibition gay marraiges, marriage needs to be upheld to the highest standards originally conceived.

Because there is a moral decline in the concept of marriage period, this creates the opportunities that exist today allowing same sex marriage. The remaining combatants against gay marriages can continue to fight and win even the battle, but eventually the war will be lost and marriage itself as a whole in this culture will be meaningless which is sad.

Thanks for providing me with the opportunith this Friday evening to submit my thoughts concerning this matter.