Monday, July 31, 2006

Leftist Mexican candidate loses faith in vote counters

As reported here, the leftist candidate for the Presidency of Mexico says that he has lost faith in their Federal Electoral Institute, and has sent surrogates to various countries to lobby foreign governments for support for his 'cause' - which is to see him get elected. How can you lose something you never had in the first place?

"Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said he had lost faith in the respected Federal Electoral Institute, also known as the IFE, and doesn't want it overseeing the national recount he demands. He said the IFE has become a tool of the ruling party.

""You can't take IFE people seriously," he said. "They don't act according to the law."

"An IFE spokesman declined to respond to Lopez Obrador's accusations, but electoral officials and most international observers have said the election was largely fair."

This guys has obviously been taking lessons from Al Gore. If the election doesn't go your way, run around and scream and shout about "Fraud!". Obrador needs to let the process work itself out, without any outside pressure or interference, let the chips fall where they may, and if he is not the winner, he should accept the outcome like a man.

All this whining and moaning like a little kid throwing a tantrum is an embarrassment to the people of Mexico.

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