Monday, July 31, 2006

U.N. panel takes U.S. to task over Katrina

As reported here, a human rights group of the UN has issued a report chastising the US government in it's response to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, saying that "[t]he United States must better protect poor people and African-Americans in natural disasters to avoid problems like those after Hurricane Katrina."

You know, that takes an awful lot of gall to do something like that. I seem to remember that while the UN dilly-dallied during the aftermath of the tsunami that hit Indonesia and Thailand, the US and other nations responded immediately with aid to those who were affected. It took the UN, what, weeks, to even begin to do "something" in that region, and yet they feel fully justified in pointing fingers at the US.

Note to the UN - when you can mobilize a response within hours of a disaster, rather than weeks, then, and only then will you have any justification for criticizing anyone, ok? Until then, kindly shut up!


Bryan Wicks said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Gads, don't they have a continent (Africa) to save or something?

Anonymous said...

Obviously... Since we all know only administrations with perfect track records should be allowed to criticise anyone.