Sunday, July 02, 2006

McDermott given new hearing in taped-call case

As reported here, " A federal appeals court has agreed to hear new arguments in a case involving an illegally taped telephone call leaked to reporters by Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash. " [Emphasis mine] That Appeals Court happens to be the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, which seems to be in competition with the 9th Circuit Court to see who can hand down the looniest decisions.

In handing down this decision to re-hear this case, they also vacated the monetary judgment against "Baghdad Jim", which amounts to about $700,000.00 ($60,000.00 in damages, with the rest being legal fees).

This case has dragged on long enough. McDermott broke the law, and should suffer the consequences for his actions, but the DC Court has decided to waste more tax-payer money (which makes McDermott "elated", by the way), to hear "new arguments". What new arguments? "Baghdad Jim" broke the law! I mean, come on!

To say that I'm incredulous, not to mention outraged, at this latest twist in this case, would be an understatement.

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