Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hearing by secret court opposed

As reported here, "[c]ritics of the Bush administration's program for wiretapping without warrants said Friday that they would fight a new White House agreement to let a secret court decide the constitutionality of the operation."

My, my. First the "critics" say that warrants must be issued by FISA, or it's "unconstitutional" to eavesdrop on suspected terrorists in other countries making contact with people in this country, and now that President Bush has agreed to go along with proposed legislation put forth by Senator Arlen Spector, the "critics" are screeching that this isn't constitutional.

So, on the one hand, you "critics" don't like the fact that President Bush has authorized the NSA to protect the United States from international terrorists trying to recruit people and funds here in America, and have made the demand that the President must go through FISA to do this, while on the other hand, now that he has agreed to do just that, you're saying that's wrong?

What's with you people anyway? You cannot have it both ways! It just isn't logical, but then again, blind hatred does that to people - makes them do and say illogical things.

Your blind hatred of everything "Bush" is endangering this country - including you, you idiots! - but you don't care one whit. All you care about is "getting" President Bush, no matter what the cost is, or may be.

Not only is your argument against this proposed legislation illogical in the extreme, it amounts to a pathological psychosis!

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