Sunday, July 10, 2005

Two different political developments in Washington State

In the first, proponents for Initiative 912 - to repeal the recently enacted, and unnecessary, gas tax hike - submitted over 400,000 signatures, which virtually guarantees that it will be on the November ballot. Opponents were shocked - shocked I tell you! - that the backers of I-912 were able to gather that many signatures in such a short period of time. I'm not.

In the second, apparently some people aren't suffering from "cranial-rectal syndrome", as the Pierce County Mail-in Advisory Task Force rejected a call to place a non-binding question regarding converting the voting process in Pierce County to be all mail-in voting, making it virtually impossible for that question to be put before the voters this November.

In case you're new to this blog, during the recent gubenatorial election and election challenge trial, I linked several times to Sound Politics, where Stefan Sharkansky explains why we should not go to all mail-in voting. If you don't want to check out their archives to find out why, I'll give you a brief explanation as to why that's a very bad idea - all mail-in voting makes it very easy to commit voter fraud.

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