Sunday, July 24, 2005

AP Poll: Most in US expect another World War

As reported here, a recent poll conducted in both the US and Japan shows that 60% of Americans expect another world war is likely to occur in their lifetime, while only about 33% of Japanese expect it. In the poll, they keep referring to this next world war as World War III, which is incorrect, as we have already fought - and won - World War III, and we are now engaged in World War IV.

What was World War III, and what is World War IV, you ask?

World War III was the so-called "Cold War", fought between Communism and Capitalism, which began immediately after the end of WWII, with the blockade by Soviet forces of Berlin, and included the invasion of S. Korea by N. Korea and the Chinese; the rise to power in Cuba by Fidel Castro; the fall of Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam, with the subsequent pull out by the French, and partitioning of Vietnam into two countries; the Cuban Missile Crisis, where the Soviets installed, and then were forced to remove, ballistic missiles in Cuba; America's increased involvement in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, with our subsequent, shameful, abandonement of those three countries to the Communists.

The end of WWIII started in Poland, with the brave people of Poland bringing down the Communist regime, followed by the military build up by America, which eventually bankrupted the Soviet Union as they tried to match the US; followed by the unrest in the Balkan States, forcing the Soviets to withdraw; followed by President Reagan's famous demand to Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. When that fell and Germany was reunited, along with the collapse of the Soviet empire, and the former vassal states of the Soviet Union gaining their freedom, WWIII came to an end.

WWIV, also known as the Global War on Terror, actually started in the 1990's with the first Gulf War when Iraq invaded Kuwait, followed by the attacks on our embassies, and the USS Cole, and then escalated on September 11th, 2001, which resulted in the overthrow of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, and the ouster of Saddam in Iraq, and continues to this day.

If anyone does not believe we are in a World War right now, you have your head in the sand, and are suffering from a major case of denial.

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