Sunday, July 10, 2005

The "hate crime" that wasn't

In this piece, Michelle Malkin dissects the "Muslim hate crime" that wasn't, and the knee jerk responses from the "victim-hood" crowd, and the anti-Americanism put on display once again by the MSM.

You know, there's an old adage that goes, 'Don't believe everything you hear.', that the leftists grabbed and ran amok with during the Viet Nam War, as they challenged everything put out by the government (some of which was justified, to be sure). But apparently that doesn't apply these days to their enablers in the MSM, as those who cried out in feigned outrage never bothered to take the time to check to see if what was reported was in fact actually true. They merely assumed it was, because it was reported in the "news"papers.

Note to moonbat leftists: Try checking facts before you go off next time.

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