Sunday, July 31, 2005

Convicted Terrorist Ressam gets 22 years

As reported here, convicted terrorist Ahmed Ressam will possibly spend a minimum of 14 (out of 22 years) in prison. Why only 14 years? He's getting credit for time served, plus there is a possibility that he may receive a drop for good behavior.

Ahmed Ressam is the terrorist who was caught back in 1999 with a bomb in the trunk of his rental car, which he planned on using at Los Angeles International Airport during the Millenium Celebrations.

Ahmed Ressam is also the terrorist who was cooperating with the FBI, until he learned that he was being referred to as ... a terrorist (gasp!), at which time he went into a major pout, and clammed up, saying he was offended by being called a terrorist. Now his Federal Public Defender, Tom Hillier, says that Ressam has renounced terrorism, and shouldn't be called that anymore because it hurts Ahmed's feelings. IF Ressam has indeed renounced terrorism, then he should be willing to continue to cooperate with the FBI, regardless of what he is called in the media!

In my book, anyone caught with a bomb, who was planning on blowing up airplanes - and the people in them - is a terrorist! Plain and simple!

Note to Ahmed - if the shoe fits, wear it.

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