Saturday, March 05, 2005

They want the State to do WHAT?

In an article in Friday's P-I, "The state should take the control of drugs away from gangs and street dealers -- manufacturing them and distributing them to addicts instead of locking up users and letting the black market thrive, according to the King County Bar Association." And guess who endorses this lunacy - The Church Council of Greater Seattle and Seattle League of Women Voters, the Washington State Public Health Association and the Washington State Pharmacy Association - because they say " ... current drug policy is a tragic failure."

What the real tragedy is here folks, is not the current drug policy, but the disintegration of the family, and the eroding of the moral framework of our society. What the KCBA, and the others who endorse this, fails to acknowledge in their lunatic proposal, is the fact that moral relativism (if it feels right, do it) has been pushing out the concept of right vs. wrong for years now, and that is the real reason why we have a drug problem. They are looking to "cure" the symptoms, and forgetting (or ignoring) the root causes of the drug problem. The moral relativist crowd, enabled by (mostly) left leaning politicians, are working harder and harder to erode what's left of the 'family values' that built this nation to be what it is, and we are now, and will continue to be, reaping the tragic 'fruits' of their labors.

Take it from a former drug user from a broken family - we cannot continue to allow this to happen!

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