Saturday, March 12, 2005

Keep it away from the flagpole

The title is advice a friend, and former co-worker, gave to me years ago regarding developing a 'relationship' with someone at work. The meaning of 'keep it away from the flagpole' is simple, really - don't get involved with co-workers. I've done my best to follow that advice, avoiding hassles I just don't need.

Well, either Harry Stonecipher, the former CEO of Boeing totally ignored that adage, or was totally ignorant of that adage, as not only did he lose his position at Boeing for having an affair with a co-worker, but he will soon lose his wife as well, as she has filed for divorce. That's what you get for "thinking" with the wrong "head", Harry.

But, don't feel too sorry for good ol' Harry. He'll receive the balance of his 2005 $1.5 million dollar salary (up to his April 1 retirement date - about $250,000.00), plus his 2004 bonus of $2.1 million dollars from Boeing, so Harry ain't hurtin' for cash - yet. The future former Mrs. Stonecipher is planning on sharing in that tidy little sum, plus whatever other assets ol' Harry has laying around.

Let that be a lesson to you, kids. Keep it away from the flagpole!

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