Saturday, March 12, 2005

Big whoopee

In this piece at KOMO's website, it is (almost breathlessly, I might add) noted that Bill Gates is once again at the top of the Forbes list of the worlds billionaires. Well, good for Bill, but as the title of this post reads - big whoopee.

It would be nice for me personally to have enough money to live 'comfortably' (as the wealthy like to say), and not have to work another day in my life if I didn't want to. Oh, yes, that would be nice.

But, just as I really don't care about what some Hollywood star thinks, or is going through, I really don't care that Bill is still occupying the top spot on the Forbes list. Will the world come to a screeching halt if Bill happens to slip a notch or two on the list? No. My life - and probably his - will continue, regardless of where Bill is on the Forbes list.

Sheesh ... such gushing and fawning ... almost makes one want to hurl.

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