Sunday, March 27, 2005

93 more felons found to have voted in King County

This brings the total to 192 so far, as reported by the P-I here. These additional felon voters were discovered by the Prosecutors Office, who will formally challenge their registrations.

In Washington State, anyone convicted of a felony loses their right to vote, and that right can only be restored after the convicted felon has served their time, paid all legal fees and any and all restitution ordered by the courts. Then, the convicted felon has to go through one more step, and petition for his/her right to vote to be restored once s/he has fulfilled all of the other items first. If s/he is successful in the petition, then their voting rights will be restored, and they then re-register to vote - but not before then.

Of course, there is no way to know exactly who these felon voters actually voted for, unless each of them is asked, under oath, who they voted for; guess what? The chances of that happening are slim to none, due to both the cost and time factors (not to mention the 'credibility' factor).

Those people who have been found to have voted illegally, and have had their names forwarded to the various County Prosecutor offices throughout the state to have their registrations challenged, should be, will be, and are being purged from the voter rolls, which is good.

My question is this - why wasn't this dealt with before the election?

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