Sunday, February 26, 2006

Iran and Russia strike "basic" agreement

As reported here, Iran and Russia have come to a "basic" agreement regarding jointly enriching nuclear fuel, but there is no immediate indication that Iran won't continue enriching nuclear material in Iran. Both sides say that there are still "obstacles" to a full agreement, but that talks will continue.

The main stumbling block, of course, is that Iran insists on enriching nuclear material that it has mined from it's own soil, in Iran, regardless of what the rest of the world wants. And why would Iran want to do this? The answer is plainly obvious, as I've posted before - they want nuclear weapons.

This desire on their part resembles the actions of a spoiled brat bully, but with far greater implications than that of a child who throws a temper tantrum if he doesn't get his way. Iran having nuclear weapons simply cannot be allowed to happen, as that would only further de-stabilize a region that is hardly stable as things stand now.

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