Sunday, February 26, 2006

I wonder if they sang Kumbaya?

As reported here, the local chapter of the liberal group MoveOn held a candlelight vigil in Westlake Square in downtown Seattle this past Wednesday and read excerpts from the Bill of Rights, as part of a "nation wide" protest against the NSA's "domestic spying" program, claiming that what President Bush has authorized is "illegal".

I wonder if these same people gathered to hold a candlelight vigil, read excerpts from the Bill of Rights, and sing a few songs back in the 1960's when Kennedy and Johnson had the FBI wire tap Martin Luther King, Jr., and in 1977 when Carter authorized warrantless wiretaps, or in the 1990's when Clinton authorized warrantless wiretaps? Probably not.

I also wonder if they held hands, and sang Kumbaya? Probably

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