Sunday, February 12, 2006

City wants people to drive less

As reported here, the City of Seattle wants you out of your car, and is going out of it's way to make driving more difficult by requiring developers to provide fewer parking spaces in neighborhoods that already don't have enough parking.

The cited reason for this is the projected growth of Seattle. Over the next 19 years, the city expects to see 22,000 new housing units and 50,000 new jobs. If our current driving practices remain in effect during this time span, the city estimates that they will need to build 20 city blocks of 10 story parking garages, which they don't want to do (I don't see why not - think of all the parking revenue that would generate! - /sarcasm).

This "doomsday scenario" fits right in with the Mayors "Urban Village Utopia", which I posted about
here. Well, Mr. Mayor, if you want us out of our cars, how about setting the example for all us selfish folks who insist on living in place and working in another which requires us to drive, by getting out of your car and hopping on the bus!

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