Sunday, February 05, 2006

IAEA Reports Iran to U.N. Security Council

As reported here, the UN "atomic watchdog" agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency recently held an emergency meeting of it's 35 members, regarding the "Iran issue" - Iran's desire to fully enrich uranium, which can be used to produce nuclear weapons - agreeing on a resolution referring Iran to the UN Security Council for possible economic and/or political sanctions. Iran immediately "retaliated" by stating that enrichment would be started at their main facility in Natanz, where they had previously removed some IAEA seals.

This is a good first step. However, China and Russia pegged their support for referral on the precondition that the Security Council not actions on the "Iran issue" until at least March of this year. Which means that, "Meanwhile, back at the ranch", so to speak, Iran will be free to do whatever it wants as far as producing as much highly enriched uranium as it can during that time, with no oversight whatsoever by the IAEA.

Another development in this, is that a part of the resolution calls for the creation of a "nuclear-free zone" in the Middle East. How this is going to affect Israel is anyone's guess at the moment, but I don't think it will be positive. It is this authors opinion that Israel is nuclear capable as far as their military is concerned, which I do not have a problem with. However, if the "nuclear-free zone" portion of the resolution forces Israel to demobilize their nuclear arsenal (which the neither confirm nor deny having), without verifiable reciprocity on the part of Iran (which is highly unlikely as of this writing), there is grave potential for the region to become even more destabilized than it already is. Letting Iran become nuclear capable, now that I do have a problem with!

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