Sunday, February 12, 2006

All mail in voting in King County set for 2007

As reported here, King County is gearing up to go to all mail in voting by 2007. The vast majority of voters in not only KC, but in the state, vote by mail now, so I guess it was inevitable. But, there are some problems with this.

First and foremost is the claim by Dean Logan that the machinery for tabulating the all mail in votes does not yet exist (then how do the other counties - all 38 of them - do it, Dean?) in KC. Another is that doing the voting this way will not really save any money (not to mention that 4000 people will lose their part time jobs), over the way it's done now. (That figures!)

But the biggest problem, in my opinion, is that it not only opens the door to more - not less - voter fraud, but this knocks the door right of its hinges!

Here's Stefan Sharkansky's take on this, from Sound Politics.

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