Sunday, October 09, 2005

World Wide (Web) Takeover (Update)

This is an update to my previous post. As reported here, the UN wants the US to relinquish control of the Internet, so that they can run it. This would be a disaster of epic proportions, in light of UNSCAM, Darfur, Rwanda, etc., etc., etc. Fortunately, President Bush has given the UN his answer. A resounding NO!

But the future is uncertain in light of the fact that President Bush will be leaving office in 2008. Who will his successor be, and will he also tell the UN where to get off, or will he gleefully turn control of the Internet over to the scoundrels, cad, and knaves at the UN?

This is serious stuff, folks. Contact your representatives, and demand that legislation be enacted to prevent this.

Hat tip: Jay the Bear, over at
Bear Politics.

Further update - "The Independant" also weighs in on this, here.

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