Sunday, October 30, 2005

Going off half cocked

Once again, the P-I Editorial Board goes off half cocked about a subject that they are intellectually clueless about, saying that recently passed legislation protecting gun manufacturers and dealers from product liability lawsuits is unnecessary.

Let me put it this way. A gun is a tool, which when properly used is as safe as any other tool. Suing a gun manufacturer or dealer because a gun is used in the perpetration of a crime, rather than suing the user of the gun, is akin to someone who, while using a hammer hits his finger instead of the nail, suing the manufacturer of the hammer or the hardware store where the hammer was purchased, instead of taking responsibility for his own inept use of the tool.

Any tool, when used properly, is safe, while any tool used improperly can be dangerous, if not deadly. But, is that the fault of the manufacturer or the dealer? No! The responsibility of the safe use of any tool rests entirely with the user, period. End of story.

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