Sunday, October 23, 2005

Two education reform bill proposals

From Human Events on Line, two education reform bill proposals that are interesting, especially since the NEA is already up in arms over them. Even though I don't have kids, by being a tax payer, I still have a stake in education and how it is funded. Over the last several years, we have seen literally billions of dollars wasted in failed programs (can you say Ebonics, anyone?), producing fewer properly educated children (who can read, spell and do math), while at the same time, we have seen real education reform efforts either gutted, or killed, by the NEA and local teacher unions who believe they are the sole arbiters of "quality education" for our children - when in fact, their "programs" amount to nothing more than socialized, leftist, revisionist indoctrination, crammed down our childrens throats by former leftist hippies who can't, or won't, get an honest job anywhere else.

Do you want to see real change in public education? Do you want more choice as to where you send your children, and how that choice is paid for? Then
contact your representatives in Congress, and tell them that you want them to support both of these bills. If they hesitate to do so, remind them of their own words about the need for "quality education" for our children, and tell them to put their money where their mouth is.

These are OUR children, and this is OUR money, not the NEA's or the local teachers unions, and WE should have a say in where our children are educated, and how that education is paid for, not non-representative organizations who are really only looking out for themselves, and not our children's, nor our nations, best interests.

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