Sunday, September 03, 2006

Mexican candidate plans a parallel, leftist government

As reported here, the apparent loser in Mexico's recent presidential election, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, is planning on setting up his own parallel, leftist government, and is urging his followers to not to recognize the apparent victory of the ruling party's Felipe Calderon.

This is incredible. Instead of accepting the outcome of a legitimate vote, and heeding the will of the majority of the Mexican people, Obrador, like a spoiled child who is miffed that he isn't getting his way, is now advocating for people to not only not recognize the legitimate president-elect and his government, but is actively agitating for them to instead set up their own "underground" government.

I don't know what the laws of Mexico have to say about that, but if someone tried to do that in the US, they would be arrested and charged with sedition at least, and possibly even treason.

Could Mexico be headed for a civil war? It seems to be a real possibility. Current Mexican President Vincente Fox needs to step up, and within whatever laws govern this type of situation, deal with this before things get totally out of hand.

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