Sunday, September 10, 2006

Iran furthers crackdown on social, political freedoms

As reported here, the nut job running Iran "called on Tuesday for a purge of liberal and secular professors from Iranian universities, the IRNA news agency reported.

""Today, students have the right to strongly criticize their president for the continued presence of liberal and secular professors in the country's universities," he told a group of young conservatives on National Youth Day, according to the news agency."

Actually, what the students really did was to strongly criticize the forced retirement of the heads of universities and professor's. This does not sit well with a large portion of Iran's young population; only with the hard-liner's who are trying to remold Iran into what Afghanistan was before we took out the Taliban.

With the other stuff that this nut job is doing coupled with this new edict, I predict a severe backlash from the Iranian people, especially if the UNSC ever gets around to imposing sanctions against Iran, which if enforced, will cripple their already fragile economy. (I know, I know - two big "if's", but it could happen!)

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