Sunday, September 17, 2006

Al-Qaida picks new targets

As reported here, this past Monday, Al Qaida released three new videos saying that they are picking new targets to hit, now including Israel, and condemning the UN peacekeepers in Lebanon as "enemies of Islam". Two thoughts come immediately to mind, one of which is that Hezbollah bit off more than they realized when they started their little "adventure" in Lebanon against Israel, and so now Al Qaida thinks they can do better? Take your best shot - Israel will eat your lunch; the other is that, how are the UN peacekeepers the "enemy of Islam"? Oh, right. They are there to prevent Hezbollah from targeting innocent Israeli citizens, which is anathema to Al Qaida, whose main intent is to kill as many innocent civilians as possible, especially if they're Israeli citizens.

But wait - there's more!

"Al-Zawahri spoke in the third and longest video, warning Americans of more attacks to come.

""We have repeatedly warned you and offered a truce with you. Now we have all the legal and rational justification to continue to fight you until your power is destroyed or you give in and surrender. The days are pregnant and giving birth to new events.""

Legal and rational justification to continue to fight us? Legal according to what, exactly? Oh, I forget. You live by Sharia law. I have a newsflash for you - we don't. There are no laws, either domestic or international which justifies your desire and intent to subjugate the entire world to your irrational, twisted view, so ... like I said above, take your best shot. We'll continue to eat your lunch.

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