Monday, September 04, 2006

'Martyrdom' video set off terrorism raids

As reported here, " On Aug. 9, in a small second-floor apartment in east London, two young Muslim men recorded a video justifying what the police say was their suicide plot to blow up trans-Atlantic planes: revenge against the United States and their "accomplices," Britain and the Jews.", prompting law enforcement and anti-terrorism officials to act, before those arrested in the plot could act out their desires for 'martyrdom'.

"Despite the charges, officials said they were still unsure of one critical question: whether any of the suspects was technically capable of assembling and detonating liquid explosives while airborne.

""In retrospect," said Michael Sheehan, the former deputy commissioner of counterterrorism in the New York Police Department, "there may have been too much hyperventilating going on.""

Well, Mr. Sheehan, "hyperventilating" aside, I'd much rather someone be prevented from trying to blow up an airplane, rather than finding out that they were actually capable of doing it by watching airplane parts falling from the sky. Wouldn't you?

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