Sunday, November 20, 2005

Will Dems filibuster Alito?

As reported here, Sen. Biden is questioning Alito's opinion on the Warren Courts decision on reapportionment, that he (Alito) had over twenty years ago, saying that Alito has some explaining to do regarding that opinion.

That's fine. Question him all you want on that, Sen. Biden. That's your job as a Senator. But, let me ask you some questions, Senator, as I feel that's my job as a tax paying citizen of this country, who also just hapens to be a blogger.

Is there a difference, in your mind, between an opinion and a conviction?
Is it even remotely possible, Sir, that Judge Alito may have changed his opinion on reapportionment during the ensuing two decades?
Have you ever changed an opinion on something that you felt strongly about, as you (hopefully) gained some wisdom with age?

I won't hold my breath waiting for a reply, as I highly doubt Senator Biden will ever read this, but maybe I can provide an answer or two to the questions I've asked.

Is it even remotely possible that someone may have changed his opinion on reapportionment during the ensuing two decades?

The answer to that is, of course it's possible. We won't know whether Judge Alito actually has changed his opinion on this until January, however.

Have you, Senator, ever changed an opinion on something that you felt strongly about, as you (hopefully) gained some wisdom with age?

The answer to that is, yes, you probably have, although I can't say for certain (but I'd be willing to bet on it). If that is the case, that you have changed your opinion on something, wouldn't it be fair to say that Judge Alito may have changed his opinion as well?

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