A good friend of mine (who shall remain anonymous at his request), offers up this excellent definition of what Islam really is.
Def: Islam. Grievance developed into hatred enacted as genocidal intolerance.
It all began with grievance over Isaac and Ishmael. The Jews maintain that Abraham's spiritual inheritor was Isaac, the Arabs maintain it was Ishmael. That this is not so, is apparent from what the two sides have developed as an idea of what is spiritual. Who would buy Islam as a religion? Few, except those led by force; whereas the Jews won't give it away.
This slumbering grievance was an accident waiting to happen, and the accident was Mohammed, whose demonic ravings found favour with few, until military force was brought to play by those few. Fertile soil in the Arab consciousness was then found, because it gave them an opportunity to develop a superiority complex in respect of the Isaac/Ishmael issue. However its roots in force, and adoption by force, are the very reason that it neither gains acceptance voluntarily, in the main, and that it is administered by force.
Islam and totalitarianism have become indivisible because over 1500 years they have had no alternative models. Christianity has been taken over by force based models in the past, and remains potentially subject to them in part, but when that happens it is a corruption of religion by the nature of a forceful society. Compare the effect of Christianity on Rome; moderating a violent society into something entirely different. However when we look at the effect of Rome (worldly power) on Christianity, we see that it corrupts and twists it. Christianity does not take secular power without ceasing to be Christianity. Islam does not reject secular power without ceasing to be Islam.
Thus Islam has been continued as hatred of the Jews - and then, because they had a conflict of interest with Christians over Jerusalem, with Christians also - for over a thousand years. Today it is genocidal hatred passed off with a series of 'reasons' which are nothing other than grievances, and those grievances ultimately have no foundation. They are truly jealousy, backed up by lies, formulated into a system of self-justification. There is nothing in Islam of value, rather the glorification of these sins as a modus operandi.
What better example than: two young vandals get killed by entering an electrical sub station. The police have not been around for half an hour. The police are then 'blamed' for chasing them into the sub-station when they were not even there. That they could ever be blamed, is because the Moslem thinks himself above the constraints of other societies, since they deem that the witness of others is of less value in court than their own, and every week in mosques they proclaim the rest of the world to be inferior. Accordingly any attempt to apply the same standard of justice to Moslems as anyone else is met with rage and intolerance; it is 'wrong' because they say it is wrong, and they say it is wrong, because they do not have any value for others. This is the behaviour of those with an unfounded grievance developed into a superiority complex - see above.
They really have no hope of change at all but to utterly believe the nonsense and hatred they are fed on until they try to act it out, and then find themselves crushingly defeated; until their myth of superiority is exposed as so horribly wrong that no one could support it. For this to occur, there must be conflict. That is what is happening today; the inevitable confrontation of delusion with reality, brought on by Moslems themselves, resulting in more and more extreme acts, taking them further and further away from the right to be considered a philosophy or a religion, every day; they are sounding their own death knell. But who confronts reality with delusion, will always do so.
This does not mean that everyone who identifies themselves as a Moslem is utterly evil. Rather, that the influence of Islam on the individual is evil where it diverts from comparable systems of thought and religion. It retains points of contact with Judaism and Christianity. It is where it diverges that the trouble arises. It is a series of self-serving lies grafted onto existing truth. Some buy the lies, some buy the truth; but they are denied its fullness. Others remain inside the appearance of that faith, because they know what will be done to them if they leave; the Koran requires death. But once the illusion is shattered by force, Islam, and not the individual Moslem, will die.
Any questions?
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