Friday, November 04, 2005

"Pavement is forever?"

I was driving into work the other morning when I saw one of the many ridiculous bumper stickers that stand on emotionalism instead of trying to determine if the facts have something different to say. The part that stood out in my mind said that "pavement is forever"... The irony of this is that we were going by an empty parking lot that had at one time several businesses including a grocery store, gas station and a very mini mini strip mall, and is currently surrounded by a chain link fence. Where the buildings were has become filled with a variety of grasses and weeds that have poked up through the pavement. There are a couple of small trees that weren't there about five years ago when the buildings were torn down. The asphalt is still covering over 75% of the property yet is becoming hidden due to the large amount of plant life that has grown up in that area. The asphalt is cracked and broken in many places and where the cracks are there are plants. Hmmm. Just another thought, if pavement really is forever, then how come roads and parking areas have to be fixed all the time and the plants have to be poisoned out of existence????? I used to live in a city that had many trees planted by the sidewalks and the last time I was there, the sidewalks were being replaced in many areas and the trees were being cut down because the tree roots had broken the concrete. Pavement is forever, sure it is.

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