Sunday, September 04, 2005

Opponents to I-912 slow to get started

As reported here, pro gas tax groups have been slow "getting off the dime" in opposing I-912, which would repeal the onerous 9.5 cent per gallon tax increase passed (by "emergency" decree, no less, thwarting any possibility of a citizens referendum on this) by our Dem dominated state legislature.

House Transportation Committee Chairman, Ed Murray (D-Seattle - what else?), said that, "The silence is rather interesting at this late date in the game.", adding, "Alan Mullay (executive VP of Boeing) and John Rindlaub (former president of the greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce) stated after the nickel passage that it wasn't good enough and the Legislature hasn't gone far enough to fix transportation, " adding further, "And now we've gone further than everybody's wildest transportation dreams. It's time for them to step up and perform the same sort of miracle at the ballot as we did in the Legislature."

Everybody's wildest transportation dreams? Obviously Mr. Murray is only including Dems in that "Everybody" statement, as this gas tax bill was opposed by Reps in both the House and the Senate.

Miracle? The only "miracle" that occured in the legislature is that the Dems had enough votes to pass this new tax by declaring an emergency, thereby negating a People's Referendum on it. So, Mr. Murray wants those who are for the new gas tax to perform the same type of "miracle", which to me sounds like he wants to deny the people of the State of Washington a voice in how, not to mention how much, they are taxed.

Mr. Murray, it seems, is following the new "motto" of the DNC - Lie, Cheat, and Steal. Do whatever it takes to win. Mr. Murray also seems to have forgotten one thing - the people.

We demand a voice, Mr. Murray, in how this state is run, whether it be through laws passed in the legislature, through referendum, or by the initiative process. You would do well to remember that.

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