Sunday, August 07, 2005

A personal note

A short time back, I complained to some friends that although this blog was getting a lot of hits, almost no one was making any comments to what I, or my brother, had posted. I remarked that I was encouraged by the number of hits to our blog we were getting, but disappointed that no one was commenting.

One of my friends let me know that she wanted to comment on some of the posts, but that she didn't know how, and it occurred to me that perhaps others didn't know how to, either (okay, so I'm slow sometimes). So a brief tutorial is in order.

To make (or read) a comment on any post, simply click on the word "Comment" that you see in the lower left corner of every post. A small window will pop up, allowing you to type in your comment. When you are done, simply click on the "Publish" button at the bottom, and your comment will be added to the post.

I welcome any and all comments to any post, from anyone. I do ask that you keep your comment civil however, so please, no vulgar language, ok? I do read whatever comments are made, and will respond as time allows.

If you agree with what we have written, let us know, and let us know why. If you don't agree with what we have written, let us know that, too, and let us know why you disagree. Although both my brother and I are Conservatives, neither of us has a closed mind to reasoned debate. Debate is healthy, and is what our nation was built upon.

So, please, let us know what you think!

Thanks in advance.

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