Sunday, August 28, 2005

Democrats need to lose the shrillness

Over the past several election cycles, the Democrats have become increasingly shrill in their outbursts against Republicans, with their innuendos, twisting of facts, and outright lies, as they have lost power, from the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House.

You see it every day, it seems, in the MSM from the likes of Kennedy, Pelosi, Boxer, Reid, and from a possibly borderline psychotic Howard Dean (I hate Republicans!), among others. Even "Madame Hillary" is guilty of this, with her Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (of which I am a proud member, btw, in case you hadn't guessed) comment several years ago. And they wonder why they're having problems attracting moderates to their party?

In this opinion piece, George F. Will takes them to the wood shed about their shrillness, and gives them more than a few blisters on their back side.

Will (no pun intended) they take heed? Doubtful.

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