Sunday, August 28, 2005

Mark Steyn weighs in on Cindy

I have resisted posting about the anti-American, anti-Semitic, tool of the Left, "bereaved" mother of Casey Sheehan, because, as Mark Steyn puts it, " ... it seems obvious that she was at best a little unhinged by grief and at worst mentally ill."; besides, there have been so many stories in the MSM, and in the blogosphere, that I really didn't feel the need to put in my two cents worth.

But, having said that, let me say this. I am sypathetic for her loss, as I am for all of those who have lost loved ones in the GWOT, Afghanistan, and in Iraq, not forgetting to also mention, New York City, Washington D.C., and that field in Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Sheehan, in my opinion, you need to get beyond this anger stage in your grief, and move into the acceptance stage, before you suffer permanent damage to your psyche.

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