Sunday, May 08, 2005

A ray of hope amid the gloom of higher taxes?

As reported here, a consortium of conservative groups and business leaders have sued the State of Washington over the new taxes that have been passed, when the Dem controlled legislature amended the spending limitation initiative 601 - for the ninth time - to allow a simple majority, rather than the super majority as voted by the people, saying that it is illegal - which it is - even though an "emergency" was declared by the Dems. Emergency? What emergency? There is no emergency happening that would allow the legislature to amend Initiative 601!

Is there a budget shortfall? Yes, I'll grant that there is, and I have put forth my opinions on the reasons for that in previous posts, so I won't rehash that again here. Is there a specific emergency situation that warrants the amendment? No, there is not. So how does the legislature think that it can simply amend a peoples initiative, so they can raise taxes? The majority of them are Democrats, that's how.

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