Monday, May 09, 2005

Is Government supposed to take care of us?

The other night I was watching the news and was astonished to hear someone make the comment that the government should have been taking care of them better. I will admit that the problem was of sufficiently large scope that government involvement was probably warranted, however, since when is the government supposed to go the next step and take care of the people? There is a town in California that is situated on naturally occurring asbestos. While there has been no recorded instances of cancer or other problems associated with asbestos in this town, this lady apparently felt that the town should not have been built there and even though it had been, the government should have moved everyone off the property to a new and presumably safer location. I am not one to believe that asbestos is that good of a substance in every circumstance, but when did the government take on the responsibility to make our decisions of where we would buy our homes and all the rest of our life choices? Ack!!!! Someone should tell this person that they have the choice of selling and moving or continuing to live there. If she feels that it is too dangerous to continue to live there, she should leave, not blame the government for the lack of care, after all, isn't "choice" the law of the land?

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