Sunday, May 01, 2005

New gas tax won't just hurt lower income families

If you've been reading my blog, you'll know that I've been posting on all the new taxes the Dem controlled Washington State Legislature has been pushing through, and how these new taxes will hurt lower income families the most.

Well, as this article shows, the new taxes - specifically the new gas tax amount that was recently passed - won't just hurt lower income families, but small businesses as well. Businesses that fuel our still fragile economy, and provide jobs. As more and more of business budgets go to pay for fuel, there will be less and less money for payroll, and that means lay offs, which translates into less money being spent by consumers in our economy, creating a 'domino effect'. As less money is spent by consumers, more businesses will be affected by the loss of revenue, which in turn will mean more lost jobs, meaning even less money being spent, etc.

In the early 1970's, when the SST project at Boeing was shut down by the feds resulting in mass lay offs, and the economy was in a shambles with high inflation and low employment, caused by the war in Viet Nam and unwise taxing and spending, someone put up a sign on a freeway leading out of Seattle that read, "Will the last person leaving Seattle please turn out the lights?". Does anyone remember that? I do.

Does anyone know where that sign went? We may need it again.

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