Sunday, May 08, 2005

Another "Clitonista" spews out vacuous comments

As reported here, former "Clintonista" Secretary of State Albright spews out some rather vacuous comments about the state of affairs in the war on terror, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, etc. As if she was effective during her time as Sec State!

Let's see now. The Oil For Food scandal got up and running during Clintons term; the USS Cole and the two embassies were bombed; Osama Bin Laden's head on a platter was offered to us - twice! - but we turned down both offers, with the reason given that OBL was just a "minor money guy, and not a serious player", among other abject failures. I could go on, but the failures of the previous administration, and especially the State Department are so revoltingly numerous, I might cause some of you intestinal distress.

If you have a strong stomach, and a high capacity to suspend belief, read the article. Memo to Albright: Your time is over. Please sit down.

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