Sunday, June 25, 2006

Gorey Truths - 25 inconvenient truths for Al Gore

Al Gore's "global warming" movie, "An Inconvenient Truth", is full of discrepancies according to Iain Murrey, in this article. In it, Mr. Murrey shows the movie's makers - and by extension, Gore's - lack of scientific knowledge, and their lack of careful research.

If the movie's makers - and by extension, Gore - had done their research properly, they would have discovered that "global warming" is in fact, not caused by anthropogenic (man made) emissions, as protagonists of "global warming" love to assert, but that, by and large, I believe that "global warming" is in fact, a myth of (dare I say it?) global proportions that is being foisted upon us by extremists, and their media enablers.

While I believe that "global warming" is a myth, I firmly believe that climate change is not, and that, yes indeed, the world's climate is changing. But, guess what? The world's climate is constantly changing - always has, always will. It is not a static thing, as the "global warming" alarmist crowd want you to believe. The only way for the climate of our world to become static, is if the world stopped rotating, at which point, everything would become moot, as there wouldn't be a climate - or us either.

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