Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A minor change, updated

I've made a minor change to the site, removing the Holoscan comment/trackback system, and reverting to the Blogspot comment/trackback system, for a couple of reasons.

One is that I couldn't moderate comments through Holoscan, as I can through Blogspot, and more than one person had informed me that they found trying to leave a comment via Holoscan was somewhat confusing. So, bye-bye Holoscan.

If you want to leave a comment to any of our posts, simply click on the word 'comment(s)', at the lower right at the end of the post, type your comment in the little pop-up dialogue box and click 'publish' when you're finished.

Update: The change is now in effect. I didn't delete one string of code before, but it's fixed now.


Zero Ponsdorf said...

Played with Haloscan for a coupla days and reverted.

Couldn't seem to get rid of it and wound up trashing my template... but I'm feeling much better now.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh....Now it's different! ;-)