Sunday, May 21, 2006

Mexicans see insult, danger in border plan

As reported here, Mexicans feel "insulted" that we want to protect our borders, and stem the tide of illegal immigration.

Well, isn't that just too bad.

"Alfredo Martinez, 56, a tomato seller at an open-air market, shook his head when asked about Bush's plan to send 6,000 National Guard troops to help police the 2,000-mile-long U.S.-Mexico border.

His 22-year-old son crossed the border illegally last year and now sends money home every month from his job in a New York City deli. "I don't think he'll be able to come back and visit for a while," Martinez said. "It's a shame. There should be a way to recognize the work we do up north, a way to see us as laborers and not delinquents.""

There is a way, Mr. Martinez. It's called entering the country legally. When people enter the country legally, we do recognize the work they do, and do not consider them 'delinquents'. However, when people enter the country illegally, they are then criminals (although not prosecuted for that crime, simply deported when caught, through the "catch-and-release" "plan"), just like the illegals who enter your country, Mr. Martinez.

""I don't understand why the United States must take such a repressive attitude toward us," said Agustin Melgar, 45, who works in the same open-air market as Martinez near Chapultepec Park in the city center. "It's insulting. We all know there's a mutual demand: The gringos need our cheap labor, and we want better pay.""

Well, pardon us for insulting you, Mr. Melgar, for being so 'repressive' in our attitude about you people entering our country illegally. You want 'repressive'? Look at what your own country does with the illegals that they catch. Does the Mexican Government do the "catch-and-release" thing, like ours does? Oh, heck no. It is a FELONY to be in Mexico illegally (it's in their Constitution!), so if you are caught, you go to jail! And you say that the "catch-and-release" method of stemming the illegal alien tide is 'repressive'?

Oh, please!

"Ruben Aguilar, a spokesman for Mexican President Vicente Fox, said Monday that a security-first policy at the border would not solve the problems created by illegal immigration."

Maybe not, but it would certainly do more than what we are doing now!

"Fox has said he prefers a plan that would offer some form of legal status for all undocumented Mexicans now in the USA."

But of course, as that would solve a lot of his problems, such as over-population and a stagnant economy that is producing virtually zero new jobs, and make him look like Zapata getting over on the gringo's.

"The government began to change its message on Tuesday. Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez warned that the United States might face lawsuits if the increased troop presence on the border resulted in human rights abuses. "If we see the National Guard starting to directly participate in detaining people ... we would immediately start filing lawsuits through our consulates," he told Radio Red, a Mexico City radio station."

Oh, really? What about the direct involvement of your own military and police forces in the smuggling of both people and drugs into our country, Secretary Derbez? What about that, hmmm?

And just where would you be filing those law suits, Secretary Derbez? At the "World Court"? Go ahead. We don't recognize that court as having jurisdiction over the US, so that would be about as effective as trying to empty the Pacific Ocean with a teaspoon.

"Andrés Manuel Lpez Obrador, a former Mexico City mayor who is running for president in July elections, said Tuesday that Fox's government is "mostly responsible. ... There are no jobs in Mexico, so people need to emigrate.""

Well, it's nice to see that at least someone (on either side of the border) gets it! I think I like this guy.

"Felipe de Jess Caldern Hinojosa, the presidential candidate of Fox's party, said Monday that he understands the U.S. government's desire to protect its borders, but adding troops there will only "increase the social and human costs for immigrants.""

I have a real easy solution to that 'increase in social and human costs', Mr. Hinojosa. Keep the "immigrants" at home! While you're at it, do something about your own economy, so people will have jobs at home, so they will be less inclined to come up here, wreaking havoc on our economy!

""We realize that the discussion over how to manage the border has now turned into a win-lose game between the Republicans and Democrats," said Humberto Garza, an expert on Mexican foreign relations at the College of Mexico. "But it's an insult to Mexicans. This discussion clearly lacks foresight. It ignores the fact that no matter how tight you make the border, people will still find a way to cross.""

Trying to protect our borders from illegals entering our country is an insult, while your country has made it a FELONY to enter your country illegally, and when you catch an illegal "immigrant", your courts prosecute them to the fullest extent of your laws, Mr. Garza? An insult? Don't you think it is insulting to those of us who pay taxes in our country when we have to pay billions of dollars for the health and education of those from your country who have entered our country illegally? People that could, and should, be taken care of at home, if only your country would get its' act together, and straighten out your economy.

The last time I checked, the US government - and by implication, the people of the US - respects the sovereign borders of the nation of Mexico. Is it too much to ask that the Mexican government - and again by implication, the people of Mexico - respect our sovereign borders as well?

The fact that our sovereign borders are not respected by the government of Mexico is the real insult here, not our desire to protect our sovereign borders.

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