Sunday, April 17, 2005

This guy just - won't - go - away!

Can you believe this? Almost 6 months after the election, Sen. John Kerry is still making baseless allegations about voters being disenfranchised, as reported here.

Among his allegations:
  • Leaflets were handed out saying Dems vote on Wednesday, and Reps vote on Tuesday (yeah, sure ... riiigggghhhhhtttttt!);
  • People were called on the phone and told that if they ever had a parking ticket, they couldn't vote (again, yeah sure);
  • He also rehashed the allegations that led to the lawsuits in Ohio, about long lines, and not enough voting machines, in several inner city districts. Guess who was in charge of those districts? Yep, you got it - Dems. Districts run by Reps had no such problems - probably because they weren't trying to disenfranchise voters!

C'mon, Senator, you had your time in the sun, but it's over. If you have proof about the leaflets and phone calls, why don't you present that proof? It's because you don't have any, and all you're doing is repeating 'talking points' espoused by your moonbat supporters such as MoveOn, and that fat tub of lard, Michael Moore (the same guy who equated the terrorists in Iraq with our Minute Men!).

Senator, for the good of the country, please just go away. Even Dems are getting tired of your act.

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