Sunday, April 10, 2005

Legislature passes pregnant-divorce bill

In case you're not up to speed on this, a little background is in order. Late last year, a judge in Spokane denied a divorce to a woman from her abusive husband, because she was pregnant. The fact that she was pregnant by her current boyfriend (who wants to marry her as soon as she gets her divorce) didn't matter to the judge.

I was more than a little non-plussed by that decision, as were many around the state, and by many across the nation, once the story hit the news wires. Now for a brief personal disclaimer - I am divorced, but I don't think that divorce is a real solution to problems in a marriage, except in certain cases, such as spousal abuse, among others (which includes my case - which will remain private).

At any rate, the State Legislator has passed a law, which you can read about here, to prevent something like this from happening again - which I support - and has sent it to the former Attorney General for her signature. This is one time I can live with it, if she signs it into law

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