Sunday, April 03, 2005

It's amazing what you can find when you're not looking for it

Have you ever had occasion to be looking for something, and during your search for that item, you stumble across something that you haven't seen for a while, but weren't looking for? The title of this post is a phrase I commonly use when this happens with me, and it appears as if election workers in KC will soon be using it, too, as during a search for something else, 87 more uncounted, valid, absentee votes have been found. Also reported in this story is the fact that absentee vote election workers have been reassigned, pending an investigation by, (get this!) Election Director Dean Logan, who is "concerned, and wants to get to the bottom of" the incompetence that KC Elections has demonstrated time after time after time.

Psst! Hey, Dean! It's April 3rd! The election was held on November 2nd, 6 months ago, and you're just now initiating an "investigation"? How timely, how courageous, how ... how come you didn't think of this earlier?

A direct quote from this story
, from Washington State Republican Party Chief Chris Vance, pretty much sums up my feelings about this whole bag of worms - "It's unbelievable. You couldn't make this up if you tried," Vance said."

Yep, unbelievable all right.

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