Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Never Forget

Today, September 11, 2007 marks the sixth anniversary of the attack, not only on our nation, but on our very way of life by “people” bound and determined to enslave not only us, but the entire world.

These “people” want to return us to the time where they controlled vast swaths of the world, imposing their will, and their so-called “Religion of Peace”, through the sword. This is something that we cannot, must not, allow to happen. If a modern, free society, is to survive, we must fight these “people” at every turn, and never surrender. For if we surrender, we shall die.

Yet, there are those in our society who think that these “people” can be appeased, and that, if appeased, they will stop the violence that they inflict upon the world. This is a fallacy, born of a “head in the sand” wishful thinking.

Neville Chamberlain found that out in 1939, when he attempted to appease one of the vilest monsters that has ever walked this earth, Adolph Hitler, when he proclaimed upon his return to London, “Peace in our time!”. Because of Chamberlain’s ill-fated attempt at appeasing Hitler, countless millions were soon subjugated under the jack boots of the Nazi regime, resulting in the deaths of countless millions more, as the world convulsed in total war.

Just as Adolph Hitler wanted the power to dominate the world, imposing his will, so these “people” want to dominate the world, so they may impose their will upon everyone. Whether you realize it or not, the truth of the matter is that we are once again embroiled in a world war, one that we must win, whatever the cost, if our society, our very way of life is to survive.

On this sixth anniversary, take a moment to reflect on what is at stake, for much is at stake. Do not take the freedoms that we enjoy for granted, for if we lose this war, we will lose those freedoms, which is the ultimate goal of those “people”.

I would rather stand and fight as a free man, and risk the possibility of death, rather than surrender and guarantee my death as a slave.

Never forget.

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